February 25, 2012

Bored and Insane mobile is here!

The Bored and Insane mobile site has officially launched! Bookmark the blog on your iphone homescreen and feast your eyes on the new webclip icon!

Grab your nearest mobile device and check it out:

Bored and Insane mobile site— Boredom has never been so amazingly convenient
Bored and Insane mobile site— Spread the insanity!

Oh, and let me know if anything is broken. I created and edited quite a bit of CSS code to get this to work— both for the mobile site and the full site— so there is a good chance that something went horribly wrong somewhere.

February 3, 2012

Disqus Commenting Might Be Down For A Bit

I've been having difficulties with Disqus syncing for awhile, and I'll be doing some major troubleshooting in the next couple days. So if you're leaving an extended critique of my work and the comment system starts acting inexplicably retarded, it's probably because I've fucked up the code really, really badly.

Come back in a few days, and you should have no trouble posting disparaging insults all over my blog posts.

Update May 2012:
I completed scrapped Disqus and just customized Blogger's native comment system. Now I don't have to worry about syncing at all!